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Plagiarism Checker X


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A plagiarism checker tool that scans the web for similar content, and can also compare texts and documents

Plagiarism Checker X, LLC |
updated on October 7, 2024
16.7mb | free


Useful for checking content for plagiarism
Easy to use
Can even check content for plagiarism via URL


A little over sensitive and results sometimes come up as plagiarized even if they aren't
Crashes occasionally
Plagiarism Checker X
Price: $
When writing a copy for the web or for an exam, it's important that it doesn't come up as plagiarized. There are thankfully many tools available online that can check your content for plagiarism, and Plagiarism Checker X is one of them.

It gives you a number of options to check the content for plagiarism. You can paste an entire article into the 'Large Content' section, or you can post a single paragraph, to check for similar content online. Alternatively, you can paste an URL to compare content on a website to content elsewhere on the web. Besides comparing content with content found on the web, you also have the option to compare two texts, or even two or more documents between each other.

If plagiarized content has been detected, a full report is generated, where you can analyze the sources of plagiarism in more details. A quick report also showcases how many sources the plagiarized content is coming from. A small remark is added after each part of analyzed content that suggests how much content you may need to change to make it unique.

Plagiarism Checker X does pick up content when things have been copied from elsewhere, but it's quick to jump the gun on content that is completely unique. For example, in our test, we wrote an entirely unique piece of copy and it still suggested that we need optional improvements to make it unique. For the most part, though, if any content has been plagiarized, this tool will catch it, even if it sometimes throws out a few false red flags.
Reviewed by (editor rating 4.5 out of 5 stars)

Additional info

Minimum requirements

• 2 GB of RAM

Licence limitations

• 30 searches a day
• Limited Words

Previous versions

Operating system


Supported languages

Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese PT, Spanish


Total: 134
Last week: 2

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